Saturday, February 28, 2015

Blog Post #7

As an educator, I will need become acquainted with the various websites and tools available to me before I begin teaching. I had no idea there are so many opportunities to enhance teaching through technology before taking this class. 

Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in KindergarteniMovies- This video demonstrated how iMovies can be used to by students to take books and make book trailers about them, which makes the books they read more engaging, and entertaining, as well as enables them to use and explore technology. Alabama Virtual Library can be used by educators to help students research topics for free.

We All Become Learners- Using technology changes the dynamic of learning. Everyone becomes a learner and a teacher through the use of technology. For example, discussed was how to use a website called padlet, which can be used to post and respond to questions that are viewable by everyone. Mrs. Bennet tells of a kindergartner who helped her upload a picture. The use of technology and challenge based learning helps everyone to work together and be interactive with whatever content they are studying. It breaks down barriers and creates an environment where students can gain confidence in themselves in knowing that they can not only learn, but also help others learn.

iPads in the Classroom- iPads allow students to collaborate with each other and spark interest in their curriculum. It also helps students with disabilities. For example, students with speaking difficulties were able to use their ipads to be verbal for them. Kevin Cram, a physics teacher, says that his students are more interested in their studies which allows him to challenge them further than he could without engaging their interests. It helps teachers assess student comprehension which increases teacher's proficiency.

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers- This lists reasons why using technology is beneficial to students. The reasons ranged from the simple reason that students love technology, and already use it in other aspects of their lives, to that it simplifies work for teachers. I found particularly useful the point that technology will help students with low attention spans and learning disabilities because it uses different styles of teaching and provides more engaging content.


  1. Hi Oliva, you did a great job on your blog post! I like how you described each topic. Just remember to include a picture.
