Sunday, March 1, 2015

C4K summary

 The first child's blog post I was assigned to is named Alejandro P. His post was about the winter weather in his home state of Kansas. He does not like the winter for all of the snow and inability to play outdoors. I told him I enjoyed his post, and that it does not snow very often in Alabama. I also told him I agreed it wasn't as fun to play indoors, but at least he could still have fun with boardgames, coloring, or make believe to name a few indoor activities.

The second blog I posted on was an eighth grade student named Tyler H. He discussed his typical diet and included the calorie count for each food choice listed. I commended him for including that information as it is useful for people who are dieting or have a disease such as Diabetes. I also suggested he corrected the word mourning, for which he meant to use the word morning.

The third blog I posed on was from a fourth grader named Zane. He posted a brief book review of The Son of Neptune, he also included questions that arose for him during his reading. I praised him for writing a book review so interesting it made me want to check out the book for myself. I also asked him if he was interested in Greek mythology in general.

The fourth blog post I read was from a high school student named Noah. Noah's post was a short entry on Jackie Robinson. I told him it was a good post overall, but that he may want to change some of the wording to make it a better post.

The fifth post I read was from a high school student named Alex. All the post said was "my name is Alex, I like video games." It was the only post he had so I tried to make the most of it by asking what sort of video he games liked and that he may want to capitalize the first letter of the sentence.

The sixth post was from a student named David. He posted a blog about the problem of labeling all Muslims as terrorists and whether or not that was okay. He does not agree that it is acceptable to treat people this way. I told him he was right,that he was wise beyond his years, and from his post I gather he thinks for himself and is unwilling to accept hatred against an entire religion for something not endorsed by all the members of that religion.

The seventh post was by a seventh grade student named McKinzie Q. Her post was a book review on So B It. I told her the book review made me want to find out what the story was about. I mainly focused on telling her she may want to correct her spelling, and tried to lightheartedly point out that a slight misspelling can completely alter a sentence's meaning.

The eighth post was by a seventh grader named Jaxon Dracula. His post was a book review on a book from the Left Behind series. He did an excellent job, which I told him. I also told him he did a better job of sparking interest for me about that book, of which I have heard of before, but never thought I might find worth the read. He was very articulate and his post had excellent spelling and grammar.

The ninth post was by a high school student named Jaea. She wrote about being true to yourself even if it means being by yourself in your views. It was a brief, to the point post, but it achieved getting her point across. I told her it wasn't everyone who is willing to be true to themselves even if it means going against the grain.

The tenth post was by a grade schooler from New Zealand named Cruz. I commented on a brief post that included a picture of his infant niece and nephew. His post told the story of a family birthday party he attended. I told him it sounded like he had a fun time and that I hope he has many more family adventures.

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