Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post #10

What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?
Mrs. Cassidy effectively uses technology in her classroom to enhance her student's learning. For example, she uses blogging to help her students become better writers. They play games on a Nintendo DS to learn problem solving skills, and how to share. Blogging provides an audience for students, and creates an environment in which others read and respond to their work. Mrs Cassidy suggests starting your journey in technology through whatever your interests are. For example, if you like photography, start a Flickr account;  if you're a writer, start blogging. This can be transferred to student's needs and interests. 
Technology can be used in shaping a classroom to cater to individual student's capabilities and interests. I could see myself using blogging in the classroom, as well as problem solving games. The only problems I could foresee might be distractions while using the computer. Students might try to pull up sites other than the ones they are supposed to be on while the teacher isn't paying attention. Still, that is a minor problem and I don't think it would be a major adverse effect on their learning.  
There are major benefits in opening up a classroom to technology. If they are engaging in interactive activities, they are less likely to become bored with the material, and education becomes interesting and fun for them. As the videos, and the videos I have watched throughout the course of this class have shown, technology is a must for a teacher that really wants to expand their student's learning and development.  
Below are links to videos of Mrs. Cassidy explaining how to implement technology in the classroom, and also how those implementations have benefited her classroom. 


  1. Olivia,
    You did a great job of depicting the videos with Mrs. Cassidy. I agree that students trying to venture off on other sites could be a minor problem when using computers. Although we can make sure to teach them not to do this and show them links that will be fun and educational. I also believe that as future teachers, we should incorporate technology in the classroom. Great post!! :)

  2. Olivia,

    I completely agree with you that there are major benefits to incorporating technology in the classroom! It's very true that they're less likely to become bored with it and when they're playing a game, they may have no idea that they're actually learning. I would also use blogging in my classroom because it helps the students keep up with past assignments and it also allows them to get to know their classmates a little better. As future teachers, we sure need to embrace all the technology headed our way because it will make our lives easier!
    Great post :)

  3. Brief post. Be sure to ALWAYS include links and pictures.

    1. Thanks Jordan, I don't know how I forgot to add a photo and link to this one! I will do so immediately.
